Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Create in me a clean heart, O God,and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence,and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation,and uphold me with a willing spirit." Psalm 51: 10-12

Well, although it would be nice sometimes, time does not stand still! Caleb is getting so big...he is now 13 months old and is CRAZY! Sometimes, I feel like a bad mom, because my son sins. yes, i said it...he is a little SINNER! I get so frustrated with the fact that he doesnt 'listen' sometimes and he gets into everything. Then I say to myself...welcome to motherhood. I recieved an email this week, amidst my frustration, from babycenter.com. I have recieved emails from them ever since I found out I was pregnant! It has been wonderful to find out how my child is developing. And, alas...here is the email I recieved this week:
"Spirited and mild-mannered toddlers alike will experiment with...how shall we say it?...undesirable behavior. If your toddler indulges in fits of screaming, hitting, and biting, you can take some solace in knowing that his developement is right on track."
Thank goodness! haha...just kidding! Caleb is NOT all bad--he is in fact, a boy! He just gets more and more curious as he days go on. I love watching him entertain himself--and his new thing, pointing & waving at everything!
The verse at the top of the page was part of my bible reading this morning. And might I just add that I have been horrible at reading my bible! Thankfully I have an amazing husband who helps to reveal this to me, and encouraged me to get back on track. So as I sit here and call my son a sinner...I too am a sinner, but am thankful for a gracious Lord who loves me, and continually calls me back to the foot of the cross.

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