Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little Guy

It's hard to believe how big he is getting:)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh Caleb!

I just thought this was funny. This is how I found Caleb before i got him dressed for church on Sunday! What a silly goose:)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Well, as most of you don't know--tomorrow is Matt's birthday!! Yay! Birthdays are my favorite Holidays! (Especially when it's mine) I just love celebrating the gift of life that Christ so graciously gave to us! And tomorrow just happens to be the birthday of my favorite person!! He is an amazing husband and father, and I treasure every minute that I spend with him! This week has been especially difficult for me, because he has been gone--and he wont be returning until LATE tomorrow night! So I wont even be able to spend the day with him on his Special Day! But that's ok...because I usually celebrate birthdays for an entire week! or month!

So what do I love about this man?--Well here goes it:

1. He has a love for the Lord that I cannot explain--and a passion to continually learn and grow by studying, reading, praying, and listening/visiting with pastors and elders in the church.
2. He challenges me in my walk with Christ...every single day!
3. As much as he does not like to be wrong...and I mean he really does NOT like to be wrong--he always admits it when he is!
4. He's a total hottie!
5. He cuddles with me, even though he hates it:)
6. He's an amazing father to Caleb. I just love watching him play, talk, and laugh with our son! If you could have seen him in the ultrasound room when he found out we were having  a little boy, you would have died laughing! It gave me a good picture of how excited he is to teach our son to be a man of God! 
7. His desire to teach me is beyond words! Just when I think I couldn't possibly learn any more about a biblical, historic, sports, or political subjects--sure enough, there he is, teaching me!
8. He's always there to finish my meal:) 
9. I could be soooo mad at him--and somehow, he manages to make me laugh!
10. His bedtime is very opposite of mine, meaning he enjoys going to bed a lot later--but low-and-behold--he always goes to bed with me because he knows how much it means to me! I'm not saying he actually goes to sleep at the same time...he's usually listening to a sermon, watching a show or reading! I'm just saying, he's there!

He's always there! and I cannot wait for him to get home tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Matt! Your the best Husband and Daddy! We Love You!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Talk to Us!!

Me and Matt just signed up for Skype! Its so easy! If you have a webcam--go online to and download it for free! Then you can talk to us! Its great to keep in touch:) Our skype name is TheSvobodaFamily! Find us!

Thursday, April 2, 2009