Monday, January 5, 2009

Update! 39 1/2 weeks

I had a doctors appointment today! Im measuring 4cm and about 80% effaced! Everything looks great! They were surprised he hasnt come yet! I scheduled to be induced on Thursday Jan 8th. I'll call the hospital at 5am and see if they have a bed. If they do, then ill go in at 6am and start the process...if there is no bed, then they will call me when one comes available! We are so excited but are still hoping that he comes before then! We'll keep you updated and be sure to post pictures of baby Caleb when he arrives!


Unknown said...

Yay!! You're almost there!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My!!!! GF, you better get to the hospy RIGHT AWAY when you feel those contractions!! =) Oh, I can't wait!!!! Praying for you all!!!
