Saturday, January 16, 2010

Colorado/Caleb turns ONE!

Here are some pictures from our trip to Colorado and some of Calebs birthday cake!

Calebs baby cake!
First birthday cake:)
Traveling home on his birthday!
in the cabin
We had lunch on top of the mountain! very cool
Us at the restaurant!


Here are a few pictures of the new apartment! Caleb is sleeping so I will have to post pictures of his room later!

New Duvet! Love it:)
Matt's 'Nook'
Dining Room Area
Living Room!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A New Home...

As I thought about writing this blog--I was tempted to title it ' A New Home...for now'--And as i continued to think about that title, i became very discouraged. The thought of packing and unpacking all of those boxes again was devastating. We have moved so much in the short time that we have been married (i.e. Pittsburgh to Louisville, once while in Louisville, then Louisville to Kearney, and once while in Kearney). A grand total of 4 times in 2 years. As I look back, I see the Lords hand in all of those moves, and with each move, He has strengthed our walk with him and our relationship as husband and wife.

So why am I complaining?!?! Well, that is a good question! I have no reason to complain--I live in a beautiful apartment, with a God-fearing husband, and a crazy one-year-old son! i absolutely love my home and have thoroughly enjoyed decorating it!(will post pictures later).

What I have realized though is that, yes, I am ALWAYS in a temporary home; seeing as my true home will be with Christ. But that while I am here, I should be seeking the Lords guidance for WHY he has us here in the first place. Who would have ever thought that we would live in Kearney Nebraska--but we are here and we are loving it. So my prayer is--Use me where I am and then send me where you need us next!!(wherever that may be:)

-I am excited to see what is in store for us!

Caleb Update: Caleb is a ONE YEAR OLD! We still cant believe it! He started walking on 12/25/09! We gave him a mohawk for his birthday(he looks adorable). He is offically going to bed without a bottle and is not eating 'baby food' anymore. He can say a few words, (i.e.mama, dada, oh wow, ok, and uh-oh) He LOVES dancing and listening to music--and he is getting into EVERYTHING! We just cant seem to get enough of him:) He is such a little blessing!

Love, Meredith for 'The Svoboda's'